An individualized treatment plan for children and adults

“The physician’s highest calling, his only calling, is to make sick people healthy – to heal, as it is termed”

–  Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843)

Nature has no alternatives
Chronic conditions
Acute conditions

What My Patients Say

"Kasia is a very understanding and empathic homeopath. She made me realize where my physical problems come from and helped me move through the grief process after losing my parents."
ML, Woman 35
"I always put my 18-month-old daughter first, so no surprise she received the treatment first. It helped her go through a difficult time of heavy constipation and restored her gut balance. After that, I booked an appointment for myself to address my childbirth trauma and prepare myself for a second pregnancy."
PK, Woman 28
“I wasn't keen on using homeopathy at first, but after seeing how quickly my son recovered from his usual colds and coughs, I booked appointments for my daughters so now we have a care plan for the entire family."
TL, Woman 36
"To avoid the strong medication, I have booked an acute appointment for tonsillitis with raging pain and high fever. The remedy helped a lot in a matter of 4 hours, and by the next day, I was way better."
KS, Man 36
Let's Restore The Balance Together!

Questions & Answers

Homeopathy aims to restore health gently and permanently in the shortest and least harmful way.
It is a holistic method that restores a patient’s overall health and motivates the body’s own healing properties. Homeopathy takes into account not only physical but also mental and emotional symptoms. Family history, patient’s environment, and stress level are all important for a practitioner seeking the best matching remedy.
Remedies are prepared from highly diluted substances that are ‘potentized’. Most substances are plants, minerals, and animal-derived.
If you are ready to start your homeopathic journey, you are in the right place.
When needed, usually in cases with trapped emotions as a source of the problem, I implement the knowledge from Recall Healing® and Emotion Code® technique.

I address both, chronic and acute conditions, from depression, grief, ulcerative colitis to flu or sore throat and everything in between, because Homeopathy restores the inner balance and lets the Patient heal himself from within. I treat you, not your disease.
My personal interest is treating children and babies. Addressing delayed development and letting children find the strength to flourish. I like to support the mums as well to let them deal with the emotional problems that might have arisen or with overwhelming tiredness from a busy life. As I am trained in a Recall Healing® method, patients’ emotions are a very important part of my practice.

In 2023, Kasia graduated from the Centre for Homeopathic Education based in London, after training in person for 4 years and gaining 2 years of clinical practice  with private patients.

An individualized and holistic approach to health

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